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In this part, I suggest that how we write for different mediums and genres and how we differentiate one from another are the most significant factors in determining the kinds of capital that we breed through writing.  For digital composition, this means building social opportunities into texts, structuring texts to provide access to a greater number of readers, and allowing texts to evolve as a consequence of this interaction.  Scroll down to leave your thoughts, or continue to Part IV.


Once again, if you cannot view the Prezi in full-screen mode from this site, please click on "Part III: The Digital Production of Social and Cultural Capital" (above) to be redirected to my presentation on the Prezi website.

As I mention in my Reflection, this project was, in part, inspired by my own extensive reading of online journalism and blogs.  In your experiences with digital texts, have you noticed the interactive potential to which Liu refers?  Have you taken advantage of this potential?  Why or why not?  How might the possibility or lack of possibility of creating the various kinds of capital have affected your decision?

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